Communication comes in many forms, and you get to choose how you want to share your thoughts and ideas. Some people dive into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. etc. I believe a mixed cocktail of social media is key. I am going to let you in on my little social media recipe:

Facebook | Post once a day in the morning to be get the biggest bang for your buck. The earlier you get eyes and likes on it, the further your message can travel.

Blog Post | Post 2-3 times per week. 

  1. Recurring Theme - Create one no brainer post, something you can always supply and supply quickly. For example, Tunes Tuesday. Create a space your readers can depend on. With Tunes Tuesday, people know they can count on a fantastic new song each week on Tuesdays. This is easy and keeps a simple presence. 
  2. Be a Source - Give people something valuable. Create content readers will come back to more often than once a week. Become an expert in your niche and figure out how to share your experience. 
  3. Wild Post - Posting twice is a beautiful thing in my opinion, but a third post can be a wild card. It can be another expert post, or random thought you just had to address. It is fun to surprise your readers.

Instagram | Post 1-2 times each day, possibly three if it is extra special. Space out your posts, allowing up to three hours between images. People do not like to be overwhelmed, especially by redundant content. Tweens can get away with posting like mad, but an older generation will most likely be get annoyed. I have loads of fantastic Instagram Tips in another blog post, getting into the nitty gritty, you can read it HERE. Learn how to keep a fresh feed your audience will want to come back to again and again. 

Pinterest | Be sure to Pin regularly where, unlike Instagram, you can pin as often as you like. All of your social platforms should have a genuine aesthetic, so be sure to create a standard for your board, and pin eye catching material that keeps a good flow to your page. Pinterest is more than a social media channel, it is a tool. You should definitely take a peak at a special guest post by Mandy Booth | @pigeonh0use, and learn 10 phenomenal tricks to unlocking Pinterest. 
