I have never believed you can only change or start a new habit during the New Year, I thought it best to be BRAVE and enter with an explosion of new creations, and I wanted to invite the world (that is you) to join me for 21 days.
I am the founder of Brave Forest Creative, specializing in brand identity, web development, design, photography, and art direction. I love pushing the rules of design to create innovative, fresh, and beautiful work.
A fantastic smoothie hack for the gal or guy on the go: Smoothie prep jars! This simple way to prepare and store smoothies will make for an easy snack or meal at any time. Having an easy way to refuel quickly gets you back on track and kicking ass like the boss you are.
I have realized I am capable of anything and what a wild epiphany that has been. I get to become something much bigger than myself and It is completely exhilarating to discover you are the only thing holding yourself back.
Be yourself and your creativity will flow from a familiar place, a place you can recognize. It is wonderful to find inspiration in others, but the best part is to bring it back and make it your own.
We were natural explorers, treasure seekers and aww gazers who most likely preferred to do all their expeditions and plundering in the nude (you know who you are). The truth is, we are perma-seekers and the tendency to run wild and free still pitter-patters in the hearts of us all, instigating a moment we have to see more, do more and feel more.
Photography is your own. The world has been seen in so many ways, but never before through MY eyes and through MY thoughts. I am not entirely sure how one knows when they have taken a great photograph, aside from the way you respond to your own image and eventually see how others respond to it as well.
Everyone has a way of doing things and it either works or it doesn't. I think we can agree It is important to use your time wisely and effectively so you can get back to what is truly important, your quality of life. I wanted to give you a few reminders and suggestions to help you live more productively in business and body.
Over the years you get burned a few times, and then you get smart. I wanted to share a sneak peak into my bag. These are things I consider essential to avoid surprises or something slightly more serious.
Many people have to work hard to get where they are in these spaces, and along they way, have discovered the tricks to growth. Here are Pigeonh0use's 10 Tricks to Unlocking Pinterest.
Communication comes in many forms, and you get to choose how you want to share your thoughts and ideas. Some people dive into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. etc. I believe a mixed cocktail of social media is key. I am going to let you in on my little social media recipe.
I will be the first to admit blogging is not my strong suit. I have extravagant dreams of free-flowing words and giddy fingers springing across my keyboard into all hours of the night, but rare is the occasion this happens. The struggle is REAL.
Social Media platforms can be a tad on the overwhelming side. I swear there are new venues popping up every other day, and deciding which is best for you can be a task. I hope to make this slightly easier for you.
I am going to provide you with a few easy tricks to recharge, focus and maintain your energy by using basic life essentials: eating and staying hydrated, exploring sleep methods and moving your body.
As designer I have a few pet peeves, and one of them is a messy work space, and that includes a messy IG feed. How can an IG feed be mess you ask? Well my dear friend, there quite a few ways. But, instead of going into the details of doing something wrong, let's talk about how to do it right.